NIPPON KANZAI Holdings Co.,Ltd.JP:9347

Market cap
P/E ratio
Mar 31,
Net sales122,674
Operating revenue6,706
Cost of sales95,539
Operating expenses18,863
Gross profit (loss)27,134
Operating profit (loss)8,271
Selling expenses805
Personnel expenses10,625
Provision for bonuses422
Provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)4
Retirement benefit expenses324
Travel, transportation and communication expenses1,221
Supplies expenses628
Rent expenses1,421
Insurance expenses385
Taxes and dues308
Enterprise tax361
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts16
Amortization of goodwill227
Selling, general and administrative expenses18,863
Interest income65
Dividend income199
Rental income48
Dividend income of insurance44
Dividend income of insurance44
Foreign exchange gains419
Foreign exchange gains419
Non-operating income918
Non-operating income918
Operating profit (loss)8,271
Interest expenses39
Rental expenses63
Non-operating expenses964
Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method752
Loss on sale and retirement of non-current assets47
Loss on valuation of membership23
Non-operating expenses964
Interest income65
Dividend income199
Rental income48
Dividend income of insurance44
Dividend income of insurance44
Foreign exchange gains419
Foreign exchange gains419
Non-operating income918
Non-operating income918
Ordinary profit (loss)8,225
Interest expenses39
Rental expenses63
Non-operating expenses964
Share of loss of entities accounted for using equity method752
Loss on sale and retirement of non-current assets47
Loss on valuation of membership23
Non-operating expenses964
Gain on sale of investment securities213
Gain on step acquisitions90
Extraordinary income303
Extraordinary income303
Ordinary profit (loss)8,225
Profit (loss) before income taxes8,529
Gain on sale of investment securities213
Gain on step acquisitions90
Extraordinary income303
Extraordinary income303
Income taxes - current2,718
Profit (loss) before income taxes8,529
Income taxes - deferred2
Income taxes - current2,718
Income taxes2,721
Income taxes - deferred2
Profit (loss)5,807
Income taxes2,721
Profit (loss)5,807
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests127
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent5,680