NIPPON KANZAI Holdings Co.,Ltd.JP:9347

Market cap
P/E ratio
Mar 31,
Profit (loss) before income taxes8,529
Amortization of goodwill227
Increase (decrease) in provision for bonuses80
Increase (decrease) in provision for retirement benefits for directors (and other officers)4
Increase(decrease) for retirement benefits asset liability-78
Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts16
Share of loss (profit) of entities accounted for using equity method752
Interest and dividend income-265
Interest expenses39
Foreign exchange losses (gains)-192
Loss (gain) on step acquisitions-90
Loss (gain) on sale and retirement of non-current assets40
Loss on valuation of membership23
Loss (gain) on sale of investment securities-213
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables-2,729
Decrease (increase) in operating investmens in silent partnership-OpeCF-89
Decrease (increase) in inventories601
Decrease (increase) in other assets-1,327
Increase (decrease) in trade payables825
Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption taxes-72
Increase (decrease) in other liabilities1,754
Other, net-77
Interest and dividends received561
Interest paid-39
Income taxes paid-3,654
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities5,473
Payments into time deposits-375
Proceeds from withdrawal of time deposits345
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets-450
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets10
Purchase of investment securities-1,617
Proceeds from sale of investment securities837
Proceeds from redemption of investment securities200
Purchase of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation-502
Proceeds from collection of loans receivable18
Payments of leasehold and guarantee deposits-529
Proceeds from refund of leasehold and guarantee deposits997
Guarantee deposits received78
Refund of guarantee deposits received-540
Other, net-1,390
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities-2,918
Proceeds from short-term borrowings10,500
Repayments of short-term borrowings-10,500
Repayments of long-term borrowings-375
Decrease in long-term nonrecourse loans payable-456
Repayments of lease liabilities-236
Purchase of treasury shares-
Repayments of investments to non-controlling shareholders-FinCF-155
Dividends paid-2,019
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests-99
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities-3,342
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents-389
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-1,177