Market cap
P/E ratio
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Net income10795927794114142200
Share of profits of companies accounted for at equity, net---02-2-12
Depreciation and amortization---498796122115
Changes in value of debentures, net----3-2-0-11
Increase (decrease) in employee benefit liabilities---101-01
Gain from disposition of a subsidiary of Matrix IT--------44
Loss (gain) from sale of property, plants and equipment---0-0---0
Loss from early termination of lease-------0
Stock-based compensation expenses---4481515
Changes in value of short-term and long-term loans from banks and others and deposits, net----2652-5
Changes in deferred taxes, net-----13-6-8-18
Cash paid in respect of acquisitions of activities--------4
Change in liability in respect of business combinations---11-15-3
Impairment of right-of-use asset-----01-
Change in fair value of financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss-------0
Amortization of premium and accrued interest on debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income-------0
Gain from revaluation of dividend preference derivative in TSG--------1
Effect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents held in currencies other than the functional currency-------2
Decrease (increase) in inventories----1-1-115-14
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables----661623-151-51
Decrease in other current and long-term accounts receivable----6139213
Increase in trade payables---20-18114025
Increase in other accounts payable and employees and payroll accrual---13635722
Increase (decrease) in deferred revenues-----49-6
Net cash provided by operating activities---83196287208239
Payments for business acquisitions, net of cash acquired (Appendix C)---49521417752
Proceeds from sale of a subsidiary of Matrix IT (Appendix D)-------43
Taxes paid in conjunction with sale of a subsidiary-------8
Cash paid in conjunction with deferred payments and contingent liabilities related to business combinations---02058-5
Payments to former shareholders of consolidated company----170-
Purchase of intangible assets---04313
Purchase of other investment----0-115
Purchase of property and equipment---1222171722
Proceeds from maturity and sale net of investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income or loss, net---435-0
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment---02121
Restricted deposit on account of acquisition----23-23--
Dividend from companies accounted for at equity-------0
Change in short-term and long-term deposits----178-2352
Capitalization of software development and other costs---91091314
Net cash used in investing activities----90-108-177-110-74
Exercise of employees’ stock options in subsidiaries---1152-
Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares in subsidiaries---25-109--
Dividend paid to non-controlling interests---3438416397
Dividend to Formula’s shareholders---513152222
Short-term bank credit, net-----4930-367
Repayment of long-term loans from banks and others---4376798488
Receipt of long-term loans from banks and others----83-74-91-63-66
Proceeds from issuance of debentures, net---45826050199
Repayment of long-term liabilities to IIA---01011
Repayment of debentures---931304753
Purchase of non-controlling interests----16217
Repayment of lease liabilities----35344450
Cash paid due to exercise of put option by non-controlling interests---072132
Redemption of capital note of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries-------0
Net cash provided (used) by financing activities---41610-114-71
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents----11613-0-35
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents---23100133-1659
Interest paid---916171518
Interest received----11102
Taxes paid (received), net---2339453851
Purchase of property and equipment-------1
Dividend payable to non-controlling interests----1000
Right-of-use asset recognized with corresponding lease liability-------52
Working capital (other than cash and cash equivalents)------1-25
Short-term investments--------1
Short-term deposits--------0
Property and equipment------13-2-1
Goodwill and intangible assets-----197-108-88
Right-of-use assets------2-2-3
Other long-term assets-----9-0-0
Liabilities to banks and others-----11-6-5
Long-term liabilities-----14-1-1
Lease liabilities-----2-3-3
Deferred tax liability, net-----19-10-6
Liability to formerly shareholders-----8-2-7
Deferred payments and contingent consideration-----5824
Non-controlling interests at acquisition date-----2344
Working capital (other than cash and cash equivalents)-------7
Short-term investments-------5
Property and equipment-------1
Goodwill and intangible assets-------0
Other long-term assets-------0
Long-term liabilities-------0
Non-controlling interests at the sale date-------1
Gain from realization of a subsidiary-------44