Franklin BSP Realty Trust, Inc.FBRT

Market cap
P/E ratio
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Dec 31,
Interest income775,05615597990152195180217358553
Less: Interest expense-------6761166306
Net interest income------105113156192247
Revenue from real estate owned775,05615597990152195180217358553
Revenue from real estate owned775,05615597990152195180217358553
Asset management and subordinated performance fee--------282634
Acquisition expenses-0----11111
Administrative services expenses------161381314
Impairment of acquired assets--------88--
Professional fees71,095155581211122315
Share-based compensation---------35
Depreciation and amortization------12258
Depreciation and amortization------12258
Other expenses-------34711
Other expenses-------34711
Total expenses641,07782222303752491437888
Total expenses641,07782222303752491437888
(Provision)/benefit for credit losses---------3634
Impairment Of Other Real Estate Owned-------0---
Gain (Loss) on Extinguishment of Debt-------4-02
Realized (gain)/loss on extinguishment of debt-------4-02
Debt Securities, Available-for-Sale, Realized Gain (Loss)----------0
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Mortgage Loans-0--0-0-000-0-
Realized (gain)/loss on sale of real estate owned assets, held for sale-------210--
Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Mortgage Loans, Fair Value Disclosure-------162424
Gain/(loss) on other real estate investments----------0-7
Realized (gain)/loss on sale of commercial mortgage loans, held for sale, measured at fair value-------162424
Unrealized Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Mortgage Loans, Fair Value Disclosure--------00-10
Unrealized (gain)/loss on commercial mortgage loans, held for sale, measured at fair value--------00-10
Trading gain/(loss)---------35-119-1
Unrealized (gain)/loss on other real estate investments, measured at fair value--------0-0-1-
Unrealized gain/(loss) on derivatives-----0-12-17-16-0
Trading (gain)/loss---------35-119-1
Realized gain/(loss) on derivatives----12-4-120601
Unrealized (gain)/loss on derivatives-----0-12-17-16-0
Total other income/(loss)----------110-34
Realized (gain)/loss on derivatives----12-4-120601
Total other (income)/loss----------110-34
Asset management and subordinated performance fee--------282634
Acquisition expenses-0----11111
Administrative services expenses------161381314
Impairment of acquired assets--------88--
Professional fees71,095155581211122315
Share-based compensation---------35
Depreciation and amortization------12258
Depreciation and amortization------12258
Other expenses-------34711
Other expenses-------34711
Total expenses641,07782222303752491437888
Total expenses641,07782222303752491437888
Income/(loss) before taxes---------14142
(Provision)/benefit for credit losses---------3634
Impairment Of Other Real Estate Owned-------0---
Gain (Loss) on Extinguishment of Debt-------4-02
Realized (gain)/loss on extinguishment of debt-------4-02
Debt Securities, Available-for-Sale, Realized Gain (Loss)----------0
Gain (Loss) on Sale of Mortgage Loans-0--0-0-000-0-
Realized (gain)/loss on sale of real estate owned assets, held for sale-------210--
Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Mortgage Loans, Fair Value Disclosure-------162424
Gain/(loss) on other real estate investments----------0-7
Realized (gain)/loss on sale of commercial mortgage loans, held for sale, measured at fair value-------162424
Unrealized Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Mortgage Loans, Fair Value Disclosure--------00-10
Unrealized (gain)/loss on commercial mortgage loans, held for sale, measured at fair value--------00-10
Trading gain/(loss)---------35-119-1
Unrealized (gain)/loss on other real estate investments, measured at fair value--------0-0-1-
Unrealized gain/(loss) on derivatives-----0-12-17-16-0
Trading (gain)/loss---------35-119-1
Realized gain/(loss) on derivatives----12-4-120601
Unrealized (gain)/loss on derivatives-----0-12-17-16-0
Total other income/(loss)----------110-34
Realized (gain)/loss on derivatives----12-4-120601
Total other (income)/loss----------110-34
(Provision)/benefit for income tax-0--005-24-0-3
Income/(loss) before taxes---------14142
Net income/(loss)---------14145
Income Tax Expense (Benefit)-0--005-24-0-3
Net (income)/loss attributable to non-controlling interest----------0-1
Net income/(loss)---------14145
Net income/(loss) attributable to Franklin BSP Realty Trust, Inc.101,66652530345384552614145
Net (income)/loss attributable to non-controlling interest----------0-1
Dividends, Preferred Stock----------27
Net income/(loss) attributable to Franklin BSP Realty Trust, Inc.101,66652530345384552614145
Net income/(loss) attributable to common stock, basic----------118
Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders, Basic-----496740-8-27-
Net income/(loss) attributable to common stock, diluted----------118
Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders, Diluted----------27-
Earnings Per Share, Basic0.190.751.030.951.061.441.60.9-0.18-0.381.42
Earnings Per Share, Basic0.190.751.030.951.061.441.60.9-0.18-0.381.42
Earnings Per Share, Diluted0.190.751.030.951.061.441.60.9-0.18-0.381.42
Earnings Per Share, Diluted0.190.751.030.951.061.441.60.9-0.18-0.381.42