Kyoto Financial Group, Inc.JP:5844

Market cap
P/E ratio
Mar 31,
Ordinary income137,691
Interest income97,040
Interest on loans and discounts53,034
Interest and dividends on securities37,176
Interest on call loans and bills bought5,539
Interest on deposits with banks39
Other interest income1,251
Trust fees7
Fees and commissions24,121
Other ordinary income9,385
Other income7,136
Reversal of allowance for loan losses770
Recoveries of written off receivables10
Dividends from subsidiaries and associates11,095
Commissions from subsidiaries and associates846
Operating revenue11,941
Ordinary expenses94,117
Interest expenses17,106
Interest on deposits12,651
Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit29
Interest on call money and bills sold35
Interest expenses on cash collateral received for securities lent1,954
Interest on borrowings and rediscounts7
Other interest expenses2,428
Fees and commissions payments6,777
Other ordinary expenses9,419
General and administrative expenses58,064
Other expenses2,749
Selling, general and administrative expenses722
Operating expenses722
Ordinary profit (loss)43,574
Operating profit (loss)11,219
Extraordinary income1,108
Gain on disposal of non-current assets1,108
Miscellaneous income-
Non-operating income-
Extraordinary losses706
Loss on disposal of non-current assets632
Impairment losses73
Provision of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities-
Interest expenses2
Organization expenses-NOE144
Commission for purchase of treasury shares24
Non-operating expenses170
Profit (loss) before income taxes43,976
Ordinary profit (loss)43,574
Income taxes - current11,657
Profit (loss) before income taxes43,976
Income taxes - deferred679
Income taxes - current11,657
Income taxes12,337
Income taxes - deferred679
Profit (loss)31,638
Income taxes12,337
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests66
Profit (loss)31,638
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent31,572