Chugin Financial Group, Inc.JP:5832

Market cap
P/E ratio
Mar 31,
Mar 31,
Ordinary income183,586184,661
Interest income93,157124,120
Interest on loans and discounts60,29484,185
Interest and dividends on securities29,65335,845
Interest on call loans1,5372,797
Interest on deposits with banks1,387944
Other interest income283347
Trust fees--
Fees and commissions20,54522,034
Other ordinary income47,44028,046
Other income22,44210,459
Recoveries of written off receivables3037
Dividends from subsidiaries and associates9,0007,000
Commissions from subsidiaries and associates8331,854
Operating revenue9,8338,854
Ordinary expenses153,993153,469
Interest expenses28,13461,843
Interest on deposits4,22211,641
Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit2219
Interest on call money2,4855,845
Interest expenses on securities sold under repurchase agreements2,1356,974
Interest expenses on cash collateral received for securities lent439454
Interest expenses on commercial papers1,805908
Interest on borrowings and rediscounts2,0374,386
Interest expenses on bonds7878
Other interest expenses14,90631,533
Fees and commissions payments3,4273,491
Other ordinary expenses56,33317,133
General and administrative expenses55,66257,850
Other expenses10,43513,150
Provision of allowance for loan losses5,7178,942
Selling, general and administrative expenses7391,669
Operating expenses7391,669
Ordinary profit (loss)29,60831,191
Operating profit (loss)9,0947,185
Extraordinary income8948
Gain on disposal of non-current assets8948
Interest income--
Miscellaneous income219
Non-operating income220
Extraordinary losses179339
Loss on disposal of non-current assets123216
Impairment losses55122
Provision of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities--
Deferred organization expenses58-
Non-operating expenses58-
Profit (loss) before income taxes29,51830,899
Ordinary profit (loss)29,60831,191
Income taxes - current9,70513,326
Profit (loss) before income taxes29,51830,899
Income taxes - deferred-673-3,816
Income taxes - current9,70513,326
Income taxes9,0319,510
Income taxes - deferred-673-3,816
Profit (loss)20,48621,389
Income taxes9,0319,510
Profit (loss)20,48621,389
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent20,48621,389