Iyogin Holdings,Inc.JP:5830

Market cap
P/E ratio
Mar 31,
Mar 31,
Mar 31,
Ordinary income172,954172,954192,758
Interest income96,15896,158133,862
Interest on loans and discounts66,23666,23689,471
Interest and dividends on securities27,12327,12340,950
Interest on call loans and bills bought158158310
Interest income on securities purchased under resale agreements---
Interest on deposits with banks1,8801,8801,747
Other interest income7597591,381
Trust fees557
Fees and commissions14,53114,53115,710
Other ordinary income54,04454,04435,576
Other income8,2148,2147,601
Reversal of allowance for loan losses656656-
Recoveries of written off receivables3,0163,016374
Dividends from subsidiaries and associates-8,7759,345
Commissions from subsidiaries and associates-7901,497
Operating revenue-9,56510,842
Ordinary expenses130,538130,538134,179
Interest expenses20,82220,82250,917
Interest on deposits5,3625,36212,379
Interest on negotiable certificates of deposit616187
Interest on call money and bills sold8181715
Interest expenses on securities sold under repurchase agreements3823822,142
Interest expenses on cash collateral received for securities lent1,7711,7716,887
Interest on borrowings and rediscounts3,9493,9499,380
Other interest expenses9,2149,21419,325
Fees and commissions payments4,8524,8525,141
Other ordinary expenses46,61946,61920,792
General and administrative expenses50,54650,54652,848
Other expenses7,6977,6974,479
Provision of allowance for loan losses-2,1922,192
Selling, general and administrative expenses-6481,432
Operating expenses-6481,432
Ordinary profit (loss)42,41542,41558,579
Operating profit (loss)-8,9179,409
Extraordinary income6648
Gain on disposal of non-current assets6648
Interest income---
Miscellaneous income---
Non-operating income---
Extraordinary losses1,9231,923558
Loss on disposal of non-current assets337337373
Impairment losses699699182
Provision of reserve for financial instruments transaction liabilities111
Provision for demolition of non-current assets885885-
Deferred organization expenses-84-
Non-operating expenses-84-
Profit (loss) before income taxes40,49740,49758,069
Ordinary profit (loss)42,41542,41558,579
Income taxes - current11,33211,33214,610
Profit (loss) before income taxes40,49740,49758,069
Income taxes - deferred8398394,019
Income taxes - current11,33211,33214,610
Income taxes12,17112,17118,630
Income taxes - deferred8398394,019
Profit (loss)28,32628,32639,438
Income taxes12,17112,17118,630
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests426426-25
Profit (loss)28,32628,32639,438
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of parent27,89927,89939,464